The “Meetings of Medical Substances” of the Edo Japan
Japan derived her material medica from China, however, up to the Edo period she developed her own specialty. Differing from China’s emphasizing on philology, the Japanese consider practical observation essential. For this reason Japanese herbalist had relatively intimate connections with merchants. Another unique merit of the Edo materia medica is here is the only place on earth that both Chinese and Western materia medica were equally considered and evaluated. To illuminate these issues, his project is to concentrate on the “Exhibition of Products” arising in the mid-Eighteenth century, and explore how this “media” connected herbalists, merchants, and collectors together through their intellectual and material interests. And furthermore this type of exhibition developed to a nationwide and continued up the end of the Edo period, and then finely linked to the Western style exhibitions after the Meiji restoration. Furthermore, “Exhibition of Products” are also the first place to gather together the products from China, Dutch, and local people and allow people to compare. Its inventor Hiraga Gennai is an herbalist. He had experience of debating and sharing materials with Dutch captains. He organized such a meeting for six times in Edo. It is believed that his writing Evaluating and Classifying Materials hides his plan to fuse Chinese and Dutch types of knowledge and develop a new style of materia medica, therefore it has significance in the Global history of Pharmacy in the comparative perspective. This project is intended to focus on Hiraga Gennai’s activities of organizing the exhibition and his writing, and based on these to explore how his achievements influenced the whole Japan, so as to study how the knowledge and society interacted, and evaluated Chinese and Dutch knowledge for their own benefits, to establish the Japanese style of materia medica unique in the World.