Shang-Jen Li 李尚仁

Institute of History and Philology,
Academia Sinica



Dr. Shang-Jen Li is a research fellow at the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica. He is a historian of medicine working on the history of tropical medicine and the history of Western medicine in China in the nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries. Dr. Li completed his MSc. in history of science and medicine and PhD in history of medicine at Imperial College, London. He was a Wellcome Trust post-doctoral research fellow at University College London (1999-2000). Dr. Li has published articles in journals such as Social History of Medicine, Isis, Journal of the History of Biology, and has published a biography of Sir Patrick Manson in Chinese entitled A Physician to Empire: Patrick Manson and the Founding of British Tropical Medicine(2012). Dr. Li is currently working on a book on missionary medicine in China in the late Qing period. He has also continued his research on history of colonial medicine, currently focusing on the historiography of tropical medicine and on Sir Ronald Ross (1857-1932) who received the Nobel prize in 1902 for his work on malaria.

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